Monday, July 16, 2012

Nap time = Print time

Aria went down soundly for a nap on Saturday and since Daddy was home to watch her if she woke up, I set out to reprint a business card order and a new XOXO card!  I think I have to get her accustomed to the sound of the press so she will sleep through it. Hopefully she will sleep or watch in the backpack carrier soon while I print. I hope this works since I've run out of several cards and need to reprint soon. I'm going back on the XOXO with a smaller font in red or pink.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

First Printing Post Baby

I dove back into printing this weekend when a stationery order sold on Etsy. I haven't printed since the baby has arrived. I simply love printing this stationery. I have the paper and font down and it comes out really nice each time. There was a lot of starting and stopping to get this order done to feed or cuddle the little one, but her daddy watched her mostly while I pumped away at the press. It's only 20 pieces, but it felt like 100.  It was so nice getting the printing parts out again and creating in my printing room slash nursery. I'm ready for more!

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