Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ornamental Stylings

Found a little inspiration while shopping this year. This is from a Long Island Printer, Wendy Addison. Sold at the Tinsel Trading. I love printing on my coasters. Just need a Grommet and I'll make them into ornaments.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I was thrilled to be a part of Bust Craftacular this year. It was a long day, but the energy and tunes kept us in good spirits. Nemesis jewelry was a great partner for the day!

I hope I can do it every year, with less rain next time.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Parsnippity Thinking

Lots of people ask for Sympathy cards and I've been meaning to print more for most of the Fall. As the Autumn harvest was beginning to stale and Craft Fair season was picking up, I ran across parsnips at the Fruit and Vegetable stand. I realized I hadn't cook any all season. I ended up making parsnips for dinner and sympathy cards for dessert.

Whenever I cook parsnips, I think of my neighbor growing up, Mr. Cloud. Not only does he have the best name ever to a child, he was also a twin and had the softness of a cloud. He grew parsnips and other yummy vegetables in his garden and always sent us home with some after a visit. Sauté a few in butter and you have a burst of flavor in your mouth. They hardly made them to the table, since we usually ate them right out of the pan. I tossed them into a stir fry for a new twist this time. Though Mr. Cloud has been gone for 15 years, I think of him every fall when parsnips hit the shelves.

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