Saturday, November 10, 2012

2012 Holiday Cards

I still have so many Santa cards from years past. I thought I'd shake things up a bit with these 2 blue and black cards. I'm pretty happy I was able to use my new jingle bell block. If I have time, I'd love to print a 2012 Santa card as well.  Let the holiday shopping begin!!

on Etsy

on Etsy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mix and Match Vintage Blocks

I LOVE using old blocks and mismatched fonts to create cards. Beautiful accidents often happen. Sometimes the design is created or changed by how it locks up in the press. Creating photo polymer plates from Illustrator designs is great, but holding the weight of vintage fonts and blocks is what got me into loving letterpress. I love all the work that went into each block and wondering what they were used for in the past. Even before I bought my press, I would scour Ebay looking for cool blocks to create cards. My first purchases were groups of odd blocks and mixed letters. It's a fun challenge to try to use everything I have. 

Today, I found some great pieces! We took our little moogle to Comic Con and on the way home stopped by Hells Kitchen Flea Market. There is an awesome vendor there with a great collection of old printing pieces. He's the one that told me about Letterpress Things in MA a few years ago when I was vending there. The Bell block will definitely turn into one my 2012 Holiday Cards.
Not sure about the others, but I'm looking forward to experimenting. 

Today's find:

Little Moogle (Aria dressed as Final Fantasy Character)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

One track mind...Baby

As you can tell... nearly everything I've been doing somehow involves baby. Baby cards, Baby Clothes, Baby printing. It's even too much baby for me sometimes, but still so cute!  New Cards finished this weekend. I heart 3 day weekends and Coury being home!

And we have a few Onesies hot off the screen

Check them out on Etsy

Friday, August 31, 2012

Aria helps Mama print for the first time

I've been waiting for this day for a while. Aria finally has enough neck control to go forward facing in the Moby Wrap and in our Beco Backpack. That means I can print while she's awake and on me!! I hope she finds it just a small percent as interesting as I do. I had a small stationery order (10 pieces) that was perfect to try it out. I'm not sure I did the Moby right, but everything is perfected with practice. I look forward to doing this more. She kept touching the handle as though she wanted to help and laughed and laughed when I was setting it up. We're off to a good start anyway!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Spin on an Old Favorite

I liked this Card before in a different color, but with an adjustment
to where the line of xoxo hits and new colors, I LOVE this design. 

Check out on Etsy

Monday, August 13, 2012

I Miss Art School!

Seigfred Hall
I really miss Art School sometimes. I was fortunate to go to 2 and they were both awesome. Ohio Northern had a pretty great program and facility, but Ohio University had a beautiful Vandercook press and tons of vintage metal and wood type. That's where I first fell in love with Letterpress. I also loved taking my graphic design, ceramics, photography, and printmaking courses. They had an awesome ceramics studio, a great dark room, and the printmaking rooms were gigantic. Seigfred Hall was a wonderland of art mediums stocked full of the materials to create.

What you don't realize when you are a student is what brand or consistency of ink, clay, cleaning supplies you are using. How easily the ink is cleaned up with gasoline and rags and so nicely placed into a fire proof rag can. I do clearly remember the smell of everything. I love the smell of wet clay, love when the kiln is on, love the scent of ink and paper, love the smell of freshly carved wood, the warmth of a digital printer after a large run, and the chemicals. 

I learned long ago that it's really hard to do easy clean up in a small enclosed NYC apartment and also be eco and health conscious. I have been experimenting for years with water based inks for my Press and now I'm doing the same research for Screen printing. It was so nice having stocked open spaces in school. I never gave much thought to what kind of inks and materials we were using. I just bought a lot of paper.

My new project is making baby stuff of course. Cause now we have a baby and I'm all baby minded and such. Plus, my cards are selling wonderfully at 2 baby stores here in Brooklyn, so I might as well stick with what I know. Coury and I started selling a few tee-shirts on Skreened (which rocks!) so I thought I would attempt to print my designs on onesies and bibs. Well, I've hit serious speed bumps and I have to get it to work since I've invested in this screen, ink, and a ton of adorable Organic cotton onesies. I can already imagine Aria modeling them, I just need to get them printed! I'm thinking hard back to my printmaking classes trying to remember the secret to a good print. I remember the quality was always good, but I really didn't like anything I printed then. I felt so naive and rushed in college. It was my own fault really. Looking back, I was burning the candle at both ends and not taking enough time to form great concepts for projects. I worked and played too much and didn't spend enough time on the Art. It makes me so mad now. I had all this awesome equipment with no clear direction and now I have an end result in mind and have a hard time producing. And well, I'm cheap. What I mean by that is I don't want to buy an entire press for screen printing. I've seen people make really cool stuff with just a screen and squeegee, but it really isn't working for me. I've watched about 15 You Tube videos in the last 2 weeks on proper squeegee technique. My 3 different nights of test printing have not gone so well. I either over flooded the screen and had to move to the next design or I wasn't getting enough ink to lay down.  I may have isolated the problem though. I've been laying the screen directly on the paper or cloth. After more videos and articles, I think I need to rig a 1/8" distance between mesh and whatever I'm printing. I'm not opposed to buying clamps and setting it up on my work table, but again I was being cheap and didn't think I needed too. I may have also made it harder for myself by burning the designs too close together. It's hard to squeegee smoothly and miss the taped off other designs. I'm trying to think of anything else I might be doing wrong before giving it another go. 

Any advice folks?  I'm determined to get this to work. I wish I could just go back to school once a week and print a lot of these.

Ready to print

Also, for those OU folks out there. I just saw this site about Eldridge's work

The contemplating wall at by Eldridge

Monday, August 6, 2012

New invitations, New Card Design, so much more to print!

 Just finished printing the Telegram Invitations again for a couple in California. I was really happy with this printing. I printed in sections; the top first and the bottom second. This helped give an overall good impression.  And the RSVP design is new. While printing black, I was able to crank out a few of this new Birthday Design too! I have many more to print, but finding the time when the press will not wake up the baby is proving to be a little challenging. I'm slowly trying to get her used to it and hope she rides on my back soon and enjoys watching her Mama print.  

On Etsy

And these are two new Wedding Invitation designs for digital printing or Letterpress.

On Etsy 
On Etsy

Monday, July 16, 2012

Nap time = Print time

Aria went down soundly for a nap on Saturday and since Daddy was home to watch her if she woke up, I set out to reprint a business card order and a new XOXO card!  I think I have to get her accustomed to the sound of the press so she will sleep through it. Hopefully she will sleep or watch in the backpack carrier soon while I print. I hope this works since I've run out of several cards and need to reprint soon. I'm going back on the XOXO with a smaller font in red or pink.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

First Printing Post Baby

I dove back into printing this weekend when a stationery order sold on Etsy. I haven't printed since the baby has arrived. I simply love printing this stationery. I have the paper and font down and it comes out really nice each time. There was a lot of starting and stopping to get this order done to feed or cuddle the little one, but her daddy watched her mostly while I pumped away at the press. It's only 20 pieces, but it felt like 100.  It was so nice getting the printing parts out again and creating in my printing room slash nursery. I'm ready for more!

Monday, May 7, 2012

My obsession with a little foot

I did not know late in the summer last year when I created this baby footprint how obsessed I would become with little feet. I made this the same way all kids make the little footprints on school bus windows or mirrors when they are full of condensation... with the side of your fist and print the little toes with your pinkies.

For the last month or so I've had this real live little foot jutting into my ribs and out the side of my belly. I can feel our baby's little foot move around and I am simply obsessed with it. Even when it hurts, I don't want it to stop. I can't wait until I see her little foot on the outside and make little prints of baby feet and hands. I'm excited to incorporate this little life into printing as well. I can already imagine tiny hand prints on cards soon.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Though I'm not a mother quite yet, I pretty much feel like one. I've been growing this little girl within myself for several months now and she has become such a part of me. I can't describe in words the amount of love I feel and I haven't even met her yet.  It was a lovely experience this year making mother's day cards, knowing they will find their way in the hands of moms that feel the same type of tear wrenching love for their appreciative offspring.

May we all appreciate our own Mom this year. Tell her how you feel!
Happy Mother's Day Floral 
Happy Mother's Day Brocade

Happy Mother's Day Pear Flower

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bringing Photopolymer Plates back to life

I was ecstatic when I sold out of a few different runs of cards, but I also sigh deeply when I realize I have to reprint them the same as before. One of my favorite things is to create new designs, but there is definitely a sense of purpose to printing cards you know have already sold. A month ago, I pulled out my two silhouettes that I used on my "I'm in Lesbians with you" and "Hello, Gorgeous!" cards. Much to my chagrin, they were curled and unprintable. In one of Boxcar press's newsletters, they talked about a how to remedy curled plates (A FACELIFT FOR BRITTLE PHOTOPOLYMER PLATES) With the idea in mind that the plates needed hydrated and warm, I put my tea kettle on and let them sit in hot water for a few minutes.  The results were amazing. The silhouettes as well as my bikes in the city and water tower designs have not printed this well since the first printing. 

For Hello Gorgeous or I'm in Lesbians with you 
Biking in the City

Monday, February 20, 2012

Preparing for Baby

Full nesting mode has taken off now that I'm 7 and a half months pregnant. I've been prepping the nursery area with wonderful gifts and hand me downs and have moved on to printing. My Aunt is hosting a shower in Ohio and my friends are hosting one here, but I asked if I could still do the invitations. Today I printed the Shower invitations, Thank you cards, and favor tags.  
Almost ready for baby!!!

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